Welcome to the AMIPOL Zlín s.r.o. company web

Corporate Mission
AMIPOL ZLIN, Ltd. is a transportation company that specialises in the provision of complex transport services for both domestic and foreign customers.

History of the Company
The original association of two natural persons was established in 1998. After one year of successful operation, the company won favour with a large number of transportation companies and, above all, orders from major foreign companies. Therefore in 1999, the company was transformed into a limited liability company, with its headquarters in Slusovice.
The Company Today
The company currently specialises primarily in the transport of large-volume merchandise, living containers, extra large loads, and standard merchandise, starting with individual packages. AMIPOL ZLIN, Ltd. has 40 carriage units available and ensures regular haulage to all Western European states. It provides its customers with complex logistic services. The employees of the company are highly competent communicate in English and German, which also contributes to the company’s high credibility.
The Company’s Prospect
In the future, the company would like to keep improving its services including expanding its own complex with warehousing facilities and motor vehicle park. The whole company team is looking forward to possible cooperation with you.

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